10 Incredible jobs where employees tend to have the highest IQs score (P.1)
For some occupations, the ability to show up on time and complete your daily tasks is not enough. They want employees who can strategize and develop new methods of completing their work.
They want people who have highest iqs score or those who seem to soar past their peers in terms of cognition and thinking abilities. IQ scores, though, not always reliable can help sort the wheat from the chaff. How to increase IQ?
IQ scores “IQ” stands for intelligence quotient, a measure of human intelligence are finicky. You can spend some time taking all sorts of online IQ test to get an idea of where you land on the spectrum, but most people land between 85 and 115. If you score above 125, you are way above average. Again, though these things are not always reliable and in most cases, don’t really mean much. Unless, of course, your boss wants employees who are whip-smart. Or at least appear to be.
Here are 10 jobs typically suited for those with highest IQ score
1. Doctors and surgeons
Becoming a doctor means running a rather crazy gauntlet. It will take many years of schooling just to get into a residency or entry-level job, and that alone means you need to have more grit, drive and intelligence than the average person. For that reason, many doctors tend to have highest IQs score.
2. College professors
To be a professor means to profess and you can’t do much of that without some kind of smarts. Professors typically hold high level college degrees and are experts in their field.To get there, you have to be a thinker and someone who can soak up knowledge like a sponge.
<<< Read more >>> 5 habits kill your intelligence (IQ)
3. Electrical engineers
Engineering is not an easy profession to get into and like many other highly specialized fields, it requires a lot of education and the ability to think. That does not come easy for most people, so for those in the engineering field, electrical engineering, specially the job tends to attract very smart applicants..jpg)
4. Lawyers
Abstract thinking and the ability to recall volumes worth of information is necessary to be a good attorney and that’s one of the reasons the average person is not cut out for the law profession. Lawyers are smart cookies, typically. And if you watch Law and Order or any other crime procedural drama, you will come away with that impression.<<< Next >>> 10 incredible jobs where employes tend to have the highest IQ score (PART 2)
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