10 Incredible jobs where employees tend to have the highest IQs score (P.2)
For some occupations, the ability to show up on time and complete your daily tasks is not enough. They want employees who can strategize and develop new methods of completing their work
7. Scientists
This is an incredibly broad term and in this case, is used to describe a number of professions. Scientists can work in health care, technology, almost any sector you can think of. And they all need the intelligence to solve complex problems and come to logical solutions. In other words, they need to be very smart.8. Materials and design engineers
Another offshoot in the engineering field, design and materials engineers need to have deep understandings of a number of subjects, including science and math. For the average person, those probably are not strong suits. If you want to get deep into design, a highest IQs score is almost certainly a prerequisite.9. Software and IT professionals
In many cities, workers for big tech companies are moving in and taking over, all with highest IQs score. In most of those cases, a higher than average intelligence is necessary to tackle the problems that tech companies are facing, like staying a step ahead of consumers ‘wants and needs.
10. Sales
This is perhaps the most surprising job on the list. You don’t necessarily need to be smart to get into sales-more ruthless and gritty, than anything. But when you think about it, being a brilliant salesperson is much easier if you are smart.You can develop a number of psychological strategies and have a deeper understanding of your products and services.
11. Finance
If you have seen or read The Big Short, all that financial jargon and complex money talk probably had your head spinning. It is due to the insane complexity of the financial sector that only very bright and very hungry people make it.
12. Real Estate
Another surprising entry, real estate professionals tend to be smarter than the average bear, at least according to our source study. When you think about it, real estate professionals do require a number of skills and smarts. You really have a highest IQs score.They need to be salespeople, have the financial know how, know a thing or two about design and engineering and even a bit about law.
SEE MORE: http://bit.ly/2hsbqfd (PART 1)
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