In the 1990’s, researchers found that adults who listened to the music of the 18th century classical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart can perform better on IQ tests. From that time, many studies have been done in order to find foods that improve the intelligence as Mozart music does. Below are 14 most powerful foods that can increase your IQ.


8. Pulses

To keep blood sugar levels stable and the brain supplied with fuel, you should eat at least two portions of pulses a day. The brain is said to be dependent on glucose. It means brain uses only glucose for fuel. Our brain consumes more than five grams an hour, but does not know how to store it. That is why brain has to be regularly supplied by glucose via the circulatory system.

The most difficult task within intellectual performance- the capacity to memorize- depends on the blood level of glucose. The complex sugars and those, which have a low glycemic index, are crucial. Pulses are full of these complex sugars, and their glycemic index is one of the lowest. It really allows the regulation of glucose in the blood and supplies the brain without creating a reaction of hyperglycemia. Therefore, pulses are also one of the foods to increase your IQ.

9. Shellfish

The food you eat directly affects performance of your brain and can increase your IQ if you eat rightly. By eating shellfish you will be able to improve your mood and keep your mind active. Though rich in protein and Vitamin B12 it is mostly the oligo elements in crustaceans and seafood that are good for brain function. These elements are crucial for fighting and preventing stress and its inconveniences. Oligo elements can be considered as therapeutic weapons since they have a hand in mental fatigue fighting, anxiety and nervous weakness. Copper, manganese, zinc, lithium and iodine have the same effect and can be found in seafood as well.
<<< Read more >>> 14 foods that increase your IQ (PART 1) ​

10. Red berries

When picking fruit, red berries are the perfect choice to increase your IQ. Research studies on blueberry consumption suggest that a large part of cognitive benefits is most likely due to nerve cell protection from oxygen damage by vast array of antioxidant nutrients found in berries. Nerve cells have a naturally high risk of oxygen damage and they need special antioxidant protection at any time in life. Their ability to send impulses throughout the body depends on the balanced oxygen metabolism, and this balance cannot be achieved without taking simply antioxidant nutrients. By decreasing the risk of oxidative stress in the nerve cells, blueberries help to maintain healthy cognitive function and smoothly working nerve cells.

All edible berries are veritable mines of Vitamin C (blackcurrants have three times as much concentration in Vitamin C as kiwi fruit, and twice as much as citruses). They have antioxidant micronutrients that make up their color. Together, they not only strengthen blood capillaries and improve circulation, which enable the best oxygenation of the brain, but also fight against free radicals which can affect nerve cells, especially brain cells.

11. Bananas

Perfectly sweet with firm and creamy flesh, banana comes packaged in its own yellow jacket and is available to increase your IQ. Rich in magnesium, essential mineral in the transmission of nervous impulses, bananas are a source of Vitamin B6 (one holds practically a quarter of the recommended daily amount). B6 vitamin is not only involved in the assimilation of magnesium, but also in the metabolism of amino acids and the functioning of the nervous system through producing certain neurotransmitters, notably gamma amino butyric acid and serotonin. Both of them create the right state of mind for prudent, calm and measured behavior.

12. Avocado

Avocado is almost as good as blueberry in promoting brain health, especially increase your IQ. It is true, that avocado is a fatty fruit, but, it is a monounsaturated fat that contributes to healthy blood flow. And healthy blood flow leads to a healthy brain. Avocados also lower blood pressure and since hypertension is a risk factor for the decline in cognitive abilities, a lower blood pressure will promote healthy brain.

The avocado is surprisingly rich in Vitamin E. This vitamin occurs to be one of the most powerful antioxidant and protects brain’s fatty tissues from ageing. Recent research has shown that absorption of two key carotenoid antioxidants, beta carotene and lycopene, increases significantly when fresh avocado or avocado oil is added to any avocado-free salad. However, avocados are high in calories, so experts suggest adding just 1/2 or 1/4 of an avocado to a daily meal as a side dish.

13. Coffee and tea

The presences of molecules of caffeine give tea and coffee their true value as a tonic and stimulant. Coffee and tea do more than keep you awake in the mornings. Studies have shown these hot beverages may increase your IQ as they improve cognitive function and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

A 2011 study in the Journal related to Alzheimer’s disease found that when researchers gave caffeinated coffee to mice genetically engineered to develop this disease, the disease either slowed progression or did not develop. The researchers said based on the finding, coffee eventually might serve as a therapeutic treatment for people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Tea also showed protective effects on the brain and help increase your IQ. Besides the high antioxidant content which help fight free radicals and boost the brain’s activity, tea drinkers do better on tests on memory and information processing than those who rarely drink it, according to a 2012 study of 816 Chinese adults 50 and older.

14. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are the last ones help you increase your IQ. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E. Several studies suggest that a proper intake of vitamin E can help to prevent cognitive decline, especially in the early age. Add one ounce a day of hazelnuts, filberts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed, and not hydrogenated nut butters such as peanut butter, almond butter or tahini. You can enjoy eating roasted or raw. Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day is enough for daily amount of zinc, which is important for enhancing thinking skills and memory.

Research shows regular consumption of niacin-rich foods such as peanuts provides protection against age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. People getting the most niacin from peanuts-20 mg per day- are 74% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those consuming about 12 mg daily, and the rate of their age-related cognitive decline is significantly less. An easy way to boost your niacin intake is to snack on a handful of peanuts (just a quarter cup provides about a quarter of the daily recommended intake for niacin which is 15 mg per day for men and 13 for women).

The peanut is a source of vitamin E which is an antioxidant protecting nervous membranes in the brain. Besides this, vitamin E prevents formation of blood clots, and promotes improved breath of brain cells. Therefore, they are considered as foods that increase your IQ.
<<< Click here >>> 6 famous people with very high IQ

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