When emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding. People with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70 percent of the time. This anomaly threw a massive wrench into the broadly-held assumption that IQ was the sole source of success.

Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as being critical factor that sets star performers have high emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. If affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.

Despite the significance of EQ, its intangible nature makes it very difficult to know how much you have and what you can do to improve if you are lacking. You can always take a scientifically validated test, such as the one that comes with the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 book.
Unfortunately, quality high emotional intelligence test are not free. So I have analyzed the data from the million plus people.


1. You have a robust emotional vocabulary

All people experience emotions, but it is a select few who can accurately identify them as they occur. Our research who that only 36 percent of people can do this, which is problematic because unlabeled emotions often go misunderstood, which leads to irrational choices and counterproductive actions.

People with high emotional intelligence master their emotions because they understand them, and they use an extensive vocabulary of feeling to do so. While many people might describe themselves as simply feeling “bad”, emotionally intelligent people can pinpoint whether they feel “irritable”, “frustrated”, ”downtrodden”, or “anxious”. The more  specific your word choice, the better insight you have into exactly how you are feeling, what caused it and what you should do about it.

<<< Read more >>> 7 qualities of people with high emotional intelligence

You have a robust emotional vocabulary


2. You are curious about people

It doesn’t matter if they are introverted or extroverted, emotionally intelligent people are curious about everyone around them. This curiosity is the product of empathy, one of the most significant gateways to a high Emotional intelligence. The more you care about the people and what they are going through, the more curiosity you are going to have about them.


You are curious about people


3. You embrace change

Emotionally intelligent people are flexible and are constantly adapting. They know that fear of change is paralyzing and a major threat to their success and happiness. They look for change that is lurking just around the corner and they form a plan of action should these changes occur.


You embrace change

4. You know your strengths and weaknesses

Emotionally intelligent people don’t just understand emotions, they know what they are good at and what they are terrible at. They also know who pushes their buttons and the environments that enable them to succeed. Having a high emotional intelligence means you know your strengths and you know how to lean into them and use them to your full advantage while keeping your weaknesses from holding you back.


You know your strengths and weaknesses



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