The Performer

What is ESFP?
ESFP stands for Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Perception and is one of 16 personality types studied from the MBTI personality identification indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). The MBTI personality assessment developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, Katharine Cook Briggs and David Keirsey from the work of renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung the types of psychology based on theories of cognitive functions. Keirsey named ESFP The Performer because they have a bright and energetic nature, and ESFP is one of the four personality types of The Artisan.
What are the personality traits of the ESFP group?
The MBTI assessment accurately estimates about 75% according to its guiding indicator, using multiple-choice questions on the basis of four "binary" (opposing psychological pairs), ESFP is one of 16 personality types and is abbreviated by the first four letters (iNtuition is an exception because I is used for Introversion) as follows:
Extraversion: extroverted tendencies, have the feeling of being motivated and energetic for those around them;
Sensing: using specific perception rather than intuition, so they focus attention on the small details rather than the big picture, as well as what happens in reality rather than things that have can come in the future;
Feeling: making decisions based on feelings, emotional state, personal values rather than based on objective factors or logical rules;
Perception: they do not rush to evaluate or soon make an important judgment, instead, they always see the problem in a flexible way and can change depending on the specific situation.
What are the core values, actions, and thoughts of ESFP's personality trends?
ESFPs are always lively, seductive and attract those around them to make them happy. They are very warm, funny and like to be the center of attention. ESFPs live in the moment of the present and want to make the most of what life offers. They are especially good at observing, feeling, helping and mobilizing to persuade people to solve problems in very real ways together. ESFPs appreciate a spontaneous life without having to plan in advance, want to have fun and enjoy activities and hobbies with friends without interfering with rules and conventions. Being generous, optimistic and persuasive, they are great personal interactors.
ESFPs love to communicate with others and they can spend hours talking on a variety of topics. This personality tends to be very common in this type of extrovert. ESFP people often live in a world of opportunities and enjoyment. They are immersed in a never-ending performance and trying to cheer others up. ESFPs are incredibly talented when they make others feel good and happy, and they love it very much. The worldly and unique wittiness of the ESFP is often a perfect symbol of their sense of humor.
ESFPs have a highly developed aesthetic sense and this is one of their strongest personality traits. This is the type of people who will enjoy decorating their surroundings and realize quality values in many other things.
They are observant, able to identify and respond to the emotional state of others. Long-term planning and thinking are often their weakest personality traits, they are poor strategists and planners, but they have a very good ability to provide practical advice and spiritual support.
The weakness of ESFPs is their spontaneity, which can lead to superficiality and carelessness, and they are also quickly satisfied with work results that do not fall within their obligations and responsibilities. ESFPs also have the ability to do their best to ignore potential conflicts instead of confronting them. It is likely that the ESFP personality will become very practical, but not when it comes to repetitive or analytical tasks. They would rather rely on their luck or ask others for help than spend more time trying to understand a complex theory.
When being under extreme stress, ESFPs will immerse themselves in negative thoughts and visualize bad situations. They are optimists living in a world of feasible things, negative images that do not satisfy them at all. In an effort to defeat these thoughts, they often make simple and holistic statements to solve the problem. These simplified explanations may or may not be relevant to the nature of the problem, but they satisfy ESFPs by allowing them to overcome it.
ESFP people are often very realistic even though they hate stereotypes and repetitive actions. ESFP likes to "follow the flow" and believe in their ability to improvise in whatever situation comes to them. They learn best with practical experience rather than studying in books, they feel uncomfortable with the theory. If ESFPs have not developed their intuition, they tend to avoid situations that include lots of theoretical inferences or complex and ambiguous ones. For this reason, ESFPs often face difficulties in schools. On the contrary, they perform exceptionally well in situations that allow them to learn by interacting or by practicing with others.
The career of the ESFP personality group
ESFPs are artistic people who always want to practice in a dynamic and flexible social working environment where they can freely work happily together with friendly, sociable and enthusiastic colleagues. ESFPs are suitable for the following career fields:
Community and social services (Health Education, Counselors);
Social Media (Editor, Public Relations, Author);
Education (Teachers, Administrators);
Business, Management, and Sales (Marketing, Human Resource Management, Business Management);
Entertainment, Art, and Design (Singers, Musicians, Fashion Design);
Health services and personal care (Personal trainers, Nannies, Nurses);
Police, Firefighter.
The relationship between ESFPs and others
ESFP people are honest and easy to trust others in communication. They do not put too much emphasis on specific goals in mind but simply want to find joy and share in a conversation. ESFPs tend to avoid criticizing others, likes to encourage and be positive. They are energetic when interacting with people and good at observing people's needs.
For ISFP, ESTP, ESFJ: they have similar characteristics and many things in common so it is easy for ESFPs to share values, interests, and approaches;
For ISTP, ISFJ, ENFJ, ENFP: they have some differences but these differences are attractive to ESFPs. Basically, they still have something in common to create a balance in their relationship with ESFPs;
For ISTJ, INFP, ESTJ, ENTP: At first, ESFPs may have some difficulty accessing and connecting with this personality group. However, if interacting for a while, they will discover commonalities as well as other points of view that can complement each other;
For INTP, INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ: this personality group is opposite and conflicting with ESFPs, but if it is possible to develop a relationship, this is an opportunity for ESFPs to learn and grow themselves, the challenges always come with great opportunities.
ESFP people will certainly have many friends - because it is almost impossible to resist their enthusiasm and optimism. People with this kind of personality focus entirely on the present and always find something interesting to experience and share with their friends. This does not mean that their relationship is superficial or based entirely on joy - but it is quite the opposite. ESFPs sincerely care for others, but they simply believe that there is no goal in life if you cannot feel truly alive.
On the other hand, the excellent ability to control all five senses of the ESFP can push them to engage in risky behavior, such as gambling, sexuality, drinking, etc. This is the reason why ESFPs should make friends with different types of personalities instead of being around with people who act and think in the same way (eg most other SP personality groups).
ESFP friends do not have any difficulty communicating with other personality types. They are very straightforward, sometimes even rude, but their openness and charm easily ease anger. People with this kind of personality know how to have fun and be happier sharing that joy with their friends, as long as they are willing to respond.
ESFPs will stay away from discussions about intellectual and logical issues unless they revolve around practical, everyday and interesting topics. Therefore, ESFPs will have difficulty connecting and associating with the analyst (NT) or diplomat (NF).
Overall, the ESFP is very funny and interesting. They live with the present and know how to make each of those moments the best. ESFPs are usually very kind and generous and always doing their best to create good things for others. They do not like theory and complexity. ESFPs often avoid relationships that require them to use intuition or a lot of thought. ESFP prefers things to be fun and loving despite their deep affection or enthusiasm. The disadvantage of ESFPs is that they live their lives to the fullest, so they sometimes do not realize the direction of their relationships or easily lose their goals.
Classify trends in the ESFP personality group
Artisan personality groups (SP): ISFP (Composer), ISTP (Crafter), ESFP (Performer), ESTP (Promoter);
Guardian personality group (SJ): ISTJ (Inspector), ISFJ (Protector), ESFJ (Provider), ESTJ (Supervisor);
Idealist personality group (NF): ENFP (Champion), INFJ (Counselor), INFP (Healer), ENFJ (Teacher);
Rational personality group (NT): INTP (Architect), ENTJ (Field Marshal), ENTP (Inventor), INTJ (Mastermind).
The popularity of the ESFP personality group
This is the third most popular personality group in the world and accounts for about 9% of the world's population. By gender, only 7% of ESFPs are male and 10% are female. ESFPs like to be at the center of attention, and they also like the simplest things - their cheerfulness and impulsive nature are often very appealing to others. People with this kind of personality never run out of ideas, and their curiosity is unlimited - they will always be one of the first to try something new and exciting.
The famous ESFPs
Saint Mark;
Ronald Reagan - 40th president of the United States;
Hugh Hefner - Founder of Playboy Magazine;
Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Group;
Howard Schultz - CEO of Starbucks;
Dale Evans - American actress, singer, and songwriter;
Kathy Lee Gifford - American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress, and author;
Steve Irwin - Australian zookeeper, television personality, wildlife expert, and conservationist;
Woody Harrelson - American actor and playwright