The Supervisor

What is ESTJ?
ESTJ stands for Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judgement and is one of 16 personality types studied from the MBTI personality identification indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). The MBTI personality assessment developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, Katharine Cook Briggs and David Keirsey from the work of renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung the types of psychology based on theories of cognitive functions. Keirsey named ESTJ The Supervisor because they tend to be responsible and make sure everything is done correctly. ESTJ is one of the four personality types of a group of The Guardian.
What are the personality traits of the ESTJ group?
The MBTI assessment accurately estimates about 75% according to its guiding indicator, using multiple-choice questions on the basis of four "binary" (opposing psychological pairs), ESTJ is one of 16 personality types and is abbreviated by the first four letters (iNtuition is an exception because I is used for Introversion) as follows:
Extraversion: extroverted tendencies, have the feeling of being motivated and energetic for those around them;
Sensing: using specific perception rather than intuition, so they focus attention on the small details rather than the big picture, as well as what happens in reality rather than things that have can come in the future;
Thinking: they think more rationally than emotionally, tend to value objective criteria rather than personal preferences. When making a decision, they usually based on logic rather than social factors;
Judgment: they judge in a very principled and predictable way, early plan and follow it rather than making spontaneous and flexible decisions.
What are the core values, actions, and thoughts of ESTJ's personality trends?
ESTJs are ethical, practical, hard-working and responsible, with a keen sense of business, management and seeing through everything. They work in an orderly manner, with a clear set of rules and methods. ESTJs always want to bring a perfectly organized structure and make sure activities run smoothly to the surrounding environment. They are especially good at the role of a manager. With excellent communication skills, it is not difficult for them to convey their ideas, guide, help and establish a workflow with the best performance for everyone as well as the social system.
The ESTJs are very dedicated and responsible. They will do everything possible to fulfill their missions and promises. People with this personality respect and promote professional ethics, and detest fraud or any attempt to corrupt, especially at work. They also want to compete for positions of power.
ESTJs have strong willpower and are not afraid to speak out and defend their opinions, even if they are facing a formidable opponent. For example, one of their subordinates is incompetent or simply lazy, the ESTJs will not hesitate to show their indignation. The characteristic of ESTJs is that they will stick to their principles, even if everyone turns away from them.
Featuring S characteristics, ESTJs live in a world of transparent and verifiable truth. They are honest and frank, living in the present and memorizing everything that is happening around them. They have a clear vision and an understanding of what is acceptable and what is not - this often makes ESTJ an excellent leader or manager, although subordinates sometimes may complain about their rigidity.
ESTJs find it quite easy to develop and improve different action plans - they can make the most complex projects as simple as eating a piece of cake.
By carrying all of these characteristics, ESTJs are excellent "model citizens" who guard the traditions and foundations of the family and community. They are pure-minded and trustworthy, although the SJ - the lack of flexibility can sometimes hinder their efforts. ESTJs also have a very good sense of what is socially acceptable and always do their best to adhere to that ideal.
The career of the ESTJ personality group
ESTJs are very good at organizing and managing people, projects and operating processes. They want things to stay under control, and so they are often suitable for manager positions to be able to make decisions about policies and procedures. ESTJs are suitable for the following career fields:
Business, Sales, and Finance (Financial Advisor, Accounting, Business Management);
Office and Administration;
Architects, Technicians and Technical Engineers;
Science and Life (Agricultural and Forestry Technicians, Environmental Biologists);
Agriculture and Forestry;
Technical maintenance and Repair (Automobile Mechanics, Refrigeration Staff, Electronics);
Entertainment and Sports;
Community and Social Services (Health Education, Counselors, Social Workers);
Health care (Nutritionists, Doctors, Nurses);
Education (Teachers, Administrators, Librarians);
Police, Bodyguards, Firefighters, Military;
Law and Institution (Courts, Lawyers).
The relationship between ESTJs and others
ESTJs are very practical and straightforward in communicating from orientation to how they act. They are always in control but are also very open to debate to reach an agreement and ensure that the work is done correctly and according to the process.
For ISTJ, ENTJ, ESTP: they have similar characteristics and many things in common so it is easy for ESTJs to share values, interests, and approaches;
For ISTP, INTJ, ESFP, ESFJ: they have some differences but these differences are attractive to ESTJs. Basically, they still have something in common to create a balance in their relationship with ESTJs;
For INFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ, ENTP: At first, ESTJs may have some difficulty accessing and connecting with this personality group. However, if interacting for a while, they will discover commonalities as well as other points of view that can complement each other;
For INFP, ENFP, ISFP, INTP: this personality group is opposite and conflicting with ESTJs, but if it is possible to develop a relationship, this is an opportunity for ESTJs to learn and grow themselves, the challenges always come with great opportunities.
ESTJs like to make friends with people who share the same respect for tradition and solid foundations. People with this type of personality seek close relationships with their friends, but ESTJs often have difficulty accepting too different opinions or will continue to patiently follow their will while still listen to others - so it's likely that their close friends will mostly consist of other types of SJ.
ESTJ's personality tends to become more open and enthusiastic friends. They will also be very loyal, although their family and principles will always be a top priority. ESTJs also have the ability to act or even dominate, encouraging their friends to participate in various events and social activities. People with this type of personality often enjoy sports and other physical activities, so they may encourage their friends to get involved.
ESTJs need to make conscious efforts to listen to others' arguments and try to understand their views before making any conclusions - ESTJs usually have a very strong opinion when it comes to principles and beliefs; thus, they are often stubborn and rigid. It would be nice to have at least a few friends who disagree from time to time - ESTJs should spend time with other friends who don't take their traditional approach to life.
Putting these weaknesses aside, people with ESTJ personality types are likely to be active, trustworthy and witty friends. They may not be the soul of the collective, but you won't get bored when working with them if you share some views with them.
In short, ESTJs are passionate. They aspire to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations, especially when they relate to the family. ESTJ's priorities are usually in the following order: God, family and lastly, friend. They try their best to complete the assigned tasks based on the order of priority above. They are so devoted and accountable in their relationships that they think they will last forever and cannot be changed.
ESTJs like to take the lead, so in their family, they control their spouse and children. ESTJs respect tradition and institutions; therefore, they also expect that their spouse and children also support these things. ESTJs do not have the time for or want to interact with people who do not share their views.
Classify trends in the ESTJ personality group
Artisan personality groups (SP): ISFP (Composer), ISTP (Crafter), ESFP (Performer), ESTP (Promoter);
Guardian personality group (SJ): ISTJ (Inspector), ISFJ (Protector), ESFJ (Provider), ESTJ (Supervisor);
Idealist personality group (NF): ENFP (Champion), INFJ (Counselor), INFP (Healer), ENFJ (Teacher);
Rational personality group (NT): INTP (Architect), ENTJ (Field Marshal), ENTP (Inventor), INTJ (Mastermind).
The popularity of the ESTJ personality group
This is the fifth most popular personality group in the world and accounts for about 8-12% of the world's population. By gender, only 6% of ESTJs are female and 11% are male. The three outstanding traits of ESTJ personality are principles, traditions, and stability. People with the ESTJ personality feel the need to engage with something - it could be a family, a community, or some other social group. They like the "organization" of others and ensure that they will abide by traditional rules or given by competent people.
As extroverts, ESTJs like to connect with others and play an active role in traditional organizations. Family happiness is important to ESTJs, and they will do their best to nurture and protect their families.
The famous ESTJs
Bernard Montgomery - 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein;
Henry Ford - Industrial Capitalist, Founder of Ford Motors;
Condoleezza Rice - 66th United States Secretary of State;
John D. Rockefeller - American billionaire;
George W. Bush - 43rd President of the United States;
Billy Graham - American evangelist.