The Architect

What is INTP?
INTP stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, and Perception and is one of 16 personality types studied from the MBTI personality identification indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). The MBTI personality assessment developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, Katharine Cook Briggs and David Keirsey from the work of renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung the types of psychology based on theories of cognitive functions. Keirsey named INTP The Field Marshal because of their intuitive understanding of complex systems. INTP is one of the four personality types of the group The Rational.
What are the personality traits of the INTP group?
The MBTI assessment accurately estimates about 75% according to its guiding indicator, using multiple-choice questions on the basis of four "binary" (opposing psychological pairs), INTP is one of 16 personality types and is abbreviated by the first four letters (iNtuition is an exception because I is used for Introversion) as follows:
Introversion: introverted, tend to like tranquility and prefer to interact only with close friends. They feel wasted a lot of energy when socially interacting with unfamiliar people;
iNtuition: listen more to their intuition than specific feelings, so they focus their attention on the big picture rather than the little details, as well as things that might happen in the future rather than paying attention to reality;
Thinking: they think more rationally than emotionally, tend to value objective criteria rather than personal preferences. When making a decision, they usually based on logic rather than social factors;
Perception: they do not rush to evaluate or soon make an important judgment, instead, they always see the problem in a flexible way and can change depending on the specific situation.
What are the core values, actions, and thoughts of INTP's personality trends?
INTPs are quiet and thoughtful individuals who have a strong passion for logical analysis, complicated operations, and design. They are often curious and enjoy learning about complex systems, theories, and how things work. INTPs are usually not the traditional type, they have their own thoughts and do not follow the crowd. Because of their independent nature, they prefer to work separately rather than in a group, but they can demonstrate superior skills in explaining complex concepts and ideas to others. For The Architect, life is a journey to discover the mysteries of the universe.
INTPs are very enthusiastic and impartial when it comes to solving problems - they dig through the details and then develop a unique approach and finally, a possible solution. Though INTPs are usually very intelligent and are full of awareness, they can still be biased in some situations. They absolutely love new ideas and theories and will never miss an opportunity to discuss it with others - however, this relentless thinking process also makes them look quite serious and isolated as if there is an argument happening in their minds.
Sometimes, INTPs also have difficulty interpreting their thoughts to people. INTPs can also move on to another topic before their colleagues or partners have found out what INTPs want to say.
They cannot stand the routine of their jobs - they would rather head up on difficult theoretical problems. INTPs are really not limited when it comes to mysterious theories - if it does not have a solution yet and the topic is very interesting, they can spend years trying to find clarification.
The INTPs often very shy and reluctant when it comes to meeting strangers. However, INTPs can also be very friendly and confident when they interact with people they know or talk about what they care about. INTPs are flexible and comfortable in almost all situations unless their beliefs or logical reasoning are being criticized. In such cases, INTPs can become very conservative and tirelessly debate.
Having much in common with T-Thinking groups, INTPs do not really understand or appreciate decisions based on emotions or subjective opinions. In their view, a great solution must be based on logical thinking. However, this also makes it difficult for INTPs to understand the feelings of others or meet their emotional needs.
People with INTP personality are very smart and even eccentric. These traits, combined with the creative capacity and unique thought, create a very powerful mixture. Not surprisingly, INTPs have many inventions in science. INTPs do not care much about social expectations and other "normal" goals such as a steady career - however, they will do their best to find an environment where their creative and potential talent can be shown.
One of INTP's weaknesses is that they are always worried about failure. Not being as confident as the INTJ or ENTJ, INTPs are always suspicious of their actions. Even if INTPs are arguing with someone, they are most likely arguing with themselves.
The career of the INTP personality group
INTPs are people who work independently or work well with a small group of competent, intelligent and logical colleagues. They prefer a flexible environment that allows them to handle problems creatively, not bound by traditional rules. They are suitable for the following career fields:
IT technology group (Software Development, Web Developers);
Technical Engineer;
Science (Scientist, Psychologist, Professor, etc);
Business and Finance (Financial Experts, Sales Engineers, Market Research);
Entertainment and Art (Photographer, Editor, Musician).
The relationship between INTPs and others
INTPs become profound in communication when they find the right audience to arouse their inspiration. INTP is thoughtful and discreet in communicating, but when discussing complex concepts or creative ideas, INTPs are quite excited with thẻir information and insights.
For ENTP, INTJ, INFP: they have similar characteristics and many things in common so it is easy for INTPs to share values, interests, and approaches;
For ENTJ, ENFP, ISTP, INFJ: they have some differences but these differences are attractive to INTPs. Basically, they still have something in common to create a balance in their relationship with INTPs;
For ENFJ, ESTP, ISTJ, ISFP: At first, INTPs may have some difficulty accessing and connecting with this personality group. However, if interacting for a while, they will discover commonalities as well as other points of view that can complement each other;
For ISFJ, ESFJ, ESTJ, ESFP: this personality group is opposite and conflicting with INTPs, but if it is possible to develop a relationship, this is an opportunity for INTPs to learn and grow themselves, the challenges always come with great opportunity.
INTPs are very knowledgeable and smart, but it is very difficult to understand them, and very few people have the patience and determination to overcome the INTP's shield. INTP's mind is filled with thoughts, ideas, riddles, and solutions - conversely, communicating with strangers is really annoying for INTPs.
As a result, INTPs tend to be very picky about making friends - if others have significant differences in interest with INTPs or simply cannot cope with their endless ideas, they probably will not be able to become close friends with INTPs.
Therefore, they a small "circle" of good friends. Many types of personalities seek friends for conversation, spiritual support, social recognition, etc while INTPs tend to ignore these trivial things and this naturally limits the number of their friends. They are often attracted to other NT groups who share their passion for theoretical discussion and intellectual puzzles. It is worth mentioning that INTPs will appreciate and respect their friends very much and work hard to keep the relationship more sustainable.
However, INTPs are not usually "warm" or help people emotionally. If you have a problem, they will offer reasonable solutions to help you, but don't expect them to understand your feelings or know how to explain something enthusiastically. This does not mean that INTPs are emotionless and are wallflowers - quite the opposite, INTPs can have strong emotions, but they can be suppressed and hidden deep inside, so it is hard for people to see.
The friendship of the INTP is very transparent, obvious and sincere, both do not try to control each other and rarely have excessive emotions. INTPs praise for loyalty and understanding of their friends' logical and thoughtful ideas and reliable advice - it is not easy to be an INTP's best friend, but if you tend to try, you will find that such a relationship is worth your effort.
In short, INTPs live a life within their minds, which is filled with imagination and turmoil, so the outside world seems to be forgotten for them. This makes them lack the motivation to form and maintain personal relationships. In reality, INTPs often do not expand their relationships. They just need a few close relationships - the relationships they really value and they have a lot of influence on them. Because of the introverted personality, whose purpose is to seek clarity in each abstract idea, INTPs are often unable to align with the feelings and needs of others.
INTPs often find it difficult to know others well and reserved until the other person proves that they deserve to listen to the thoughts of INTPs. Always putting the mastery of knowledge and brainpower first, they will choose to work with people they think are smart. Once INTPs begin to have a certain relationship, they are very honest and faithful, thus forming a purely emotional attachment and clear transparency. INTPs are usually not interested or do not know much about the courtship of relationships. However, if there is a problem that INTPs think is irreconcilable, they will give up the relationship and never make it up again.
Classify trends in the INTP personality group
Artisan personality groups (SP): ISFP (Composer), ISTP (Crafter), ESFP (Performer), ESTP (Promoter);
Guardian personality group (SJ): ISTJ (Inspector), ISFJ (Protector), ESFJ (Provider), ESTJ (Supervisor);
Idealist personality group (NF): ENFP (Champion), INFJ (Counselor), INFP (Healer), ENFJ (Teacher);
Rational personality group (NT): INTP (Architect), ENTJ (Fieldmarshal), ENTP (Inventor), INTJ (Mastermind).
The popularity of the INTP personality group
This is one of the rarest personality groups in the world and accounts for about 2-4% of the world's population. By gender, only 2% of INTPs are female and 5% are male. "Philosopher", "architect", "abstract professor" are the words commonly used to describe the type of INTP personality. INTPs love the theory and believe that everything can be analyzed and improved. They are not interested in the real world and other pragmatic things - because, in INTP's opinion, they are less exciting than good ideas or pursuing knowledge. People with this type of personality have no difficulty recognizing models while others cannot - this makes them excellent theorists and analysts.
The accumulated knowledge is the most valuable asset of any INTP. Let's imagine a complex machine that constantly absorbed, processed and created all kinds of theories - this is how the INTP mind works. People with this personality have the most accurate logical thinking of all personality groups - they easily notice even the slightest difference between two reports or statements, regardless of the time between the two reports. It is difficult to lie INTPs because they will find out right away. Sometimes they may be daydreaming - this is not because their minds are in a state of tranquility but the complete opposite.
The famous INTPs
Socrates - Philosopher;
Rene Descartes - Philosopher;
Blaise Pascal - Philosopher
Isaac Newton - Mathematician, Philosopher;
Carl Jung - Physicist;
Albert Einstein - Psychologist;
James Madison - Physicist;
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 34th president of the United States;
Gerald Ford - 38th president of the United States;
Tiger Woods - American professional golfer.