The Crafter

What is ISTP?
ISTP stands for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Perception and is one of 16 personality types studied from the MBTI personality identification indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). The MBTI personality assessment developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, Katharine Cook Briggs and David Keirsey from the work of renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung the types of psychology based on theories of cognitive functions. Keirsey named ISTP The Crafter because they have innate mechanical ability and can easily use tools or equipment. ISTP is one of the four personality types of The Artisan.
What are the personality traits of the ISTP group?
The MBTI assessment accurately estimates about 75% according to its guiding indicator, using multiple-choice questions on the basis of four "binary" (opposing psychological pairs), ISTP is one of 16 personality types and is abbreviated by the first four letters (iNtuition is an exception because I is used for Introversion) as follows:
Introversion: introverted, tend to like tranquility and prefer to interact only with close friends. They feel wasted a lot of energy when socially interacting with unfamiliar people;
Sensing: using specific perception rather than intuition, so they focus attention on the small details rather than the big picture, as well as what happens in reality rather than things that have can come in the future;
Thinking: they think more rationally than emotionally, tend to value objective criteria rather than personal preferences. When making a decision, they usually based on logic rather than social factors;
Perception: they do not rush to evaluate or soon make an important judgment, instead, they always see the problem in a flexible way and can change depending on the specific situation.
What are the core values, actions, and thoughts of ISTP's personality trends?
ISTPs are very good at mechanical matters, repairs, troubleshooting and tend to study how things work. They are independent, logical, flexible and adaptable, so they are good at responding and finding practical solutions to problems at hand as well as emergencies. ISTPs like to act, pay attention to details and interact with the world around in a self-directed and spontaneous way. They work quite independently, detached and somewhat self-contained, they want to work freely in a personal space to be able to follow the guidance of their own.
ISTPs are very personal individuals, making it even more difficult for others to understand them. Sometimes, ISTPs suddenly become stubborn and loud, especially when their principles and habits are criticized.
The ISTPs are also quite humorous, which helps to alleviate stressful circumstances or to solve some awkward situations. But ISTPs are not sensitive people, they have difficulty recognizing the boundaries of what is allowed and expected in emotional situations - so they may inadvertently hurt sensitive individuals.
Unlike most other introvert personality groups, ISTPs do not really care much about personal space. This leads to two things - Firstly, ISTPs do not hesitate to express their concerns about something that others are working on and maybe surprised if their reaction is unfriendly. Secondly, ISTPs do not mind if someone wants to participate in one of their own projects - as long as it does not threaten ISTP's principles and lifestyle.
ISTPs should try to pay attention to the awareness of this particular trait, as they do not seem to realize anything wrong with such behavior, however, this can cause major problems both at work and in personal relationships - most people are quite protective of their personal space and act very defensive when being violated.
ISTPs shine in areas that combine creativity, freedom, and reality. They tend to be great engineers and troubleshooters (detective, fireman, rescuer, etc.), but these strengths stem from their practical experience and vision rather than a scientific theory. ISTPs were very quickly depressed while researching, especially if they didn't really see it could be applied in practice.
Fairness and equality are two particularly important points of view for ISTPs. They can "bend" or break existing principles to make their point. Therefore, you will never see an ISTP in an environment where their individual principles may be dishonored. ISTPs are also very loyal to their friends, but they may need a lot of "alone time" to recharge their battery.
In general, ISTPs tend to be very optimistic, generous and confident in their ability - as long as they are not caught in a framework, burdened with regulations and guidelines, or being asked to commit to something they are not ready for. The unique and mysterious characteristics of this kind of personality may never cease to surprise those who are close to them, but it can also surprise ISTPs themselves for a moment.
The career of the ISTP personality group
ISTP is the type of person who likes to work in an environment of technical expertise, is passionate about mastering and controlling tools, mechanical equipment or business tools, modern technology. They value efficiency and logic and want flexibility at work. ISTP is suitable for the following career fields:
Financial Analysis, Securities, Economists;
Biologist, Geologist;
Health Services and Personal Care (Personal Trainers, Nannies, Nurses);
Police, Firefighters, Military Officers, Criminals;
Architects, Carpenters, Tailors, Chefs, Goldsmiths;
Pilots, Captains;
IT (Software Development, Database Management).
The relationship between ISTPs and others
ISTPs are people who communicate in a private way, often use gestures in a conversation. They want to quickly do what they have to do and be impatient if not act immediately. However, they are also very flexible, good at observing and grasping details about the current situation and assessing information appropriately.
For ISTJ, ESTP, ISFP: they have similar characteristics and many things in common so it is easy for ISTPs to share values, interests, and approaches;
For INTP, ISFJ, ESFP, ESTJ: they have some differences but these differences are attractive to ISTPs. Basically, they still have something in common to create a balance in their relationship with ISTPs;
For INTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENTP: At first, ISTPs may have some difficulty accessing and connecting with this personality group. However, if interacting for a while, they will discover commonalities as well as other points of view that can complement each other;
For INFP, INFJ, ENFP, ENFJ: this personality group is opposite and conflicting with ISTPs, but if it is possible to develop a relationship, this is an opportunity for ESTPs to learn and grow themselves, the challenges always come with great opportunities.
ISTPs are very comprehensive and interesting friends, living in the present and enjoying whatever life gives them. Their motto is "everything can change". The friendship with ISTP is like a roller coaster - it is really fun and satisfying during the day, and the mood completely changes at night. ISTPs do not like commitments and view their relationship as something that can change every day.
ISTPs rarely have trouble making friends - they like to pursue many different hobbies, so they can come up with a lot of fun things to do. Collective activities that form the ISTP's friendship base - people with this kind of personality have great control over all five senses and enjoy competing with others, the easiest way to become a friend with ISTPs is finding a common interest (preferably physically).
ISTPs tend to be attracted to people with strong S-type because they are likely to be the first to discover new experiences. On the contrary, with N-type (intuitive), ISTPs can be a bit uncomfortable because they often have difficulty understanding their abstract ideas. However, if their friendship mostly revolves around a common interest, ISTPs will still accept someone despite many different views. In general, ISTPs are quite open and relaxed in relationships, and it is no surprise that they tend to be popular.
In short, ISTPs are able to work independently and accomplish well the things that interest them. ISTP people are open-minded, engaging and charming. They live in the present and often do not worry about the future. ISTPs usually perceive that "nothing is absolute," so they prefer to develop a relationship step by step rather than making commitments in the long term. If the connection pleases them and satisfies their needs, ISTPs will not stop fulfilling their obligations to maintain a sustainable relationship. If they feel unconcerned, they will tend to skip and look for new ones that are more relevant.
Classify trends in the ISTP personality group
Artisan personality groups (SP): ISFP (Composer), ISTP (Crafter), ESFP (Performer), ESTP (Promoter);
Guardian personality group (SJ): ISTJ (Inspector), ISFJ (Protector), ESFJ (Provider), ESTJ (Supervisor);
Idealist personality group (NF): ENFP (Champion), INFJ (Counselor), INFP (Healer), ENFJ (Teacher);
Rational personality group (NT): INTP (Architect), ENTJ (Fieldmarshal), ENTP (Inventor), INTJ (Mastermind).
The popularity of the ISTP personality group
This is the third most popular personality group in the world and accounts for about 4-6% of the world's population. By gender, only 2% of ISTPs are female and 9% are male. ISTPs possess many interesting characteristics that can easily prevent outsiders from polling them. They are often very rational and logical, but can also surprise people by suddenly becoming more spontaneous and enthusiastic. While most other types of personalities are usually easy to identify and clearly identify characteristic traits, this is certainly not the case in ISTPs - even people who know them may not be able to predict their reaction to something.
This comes from an interesting combination of the reason (T) and flexibility (P) in the ISTP personality type. People with this personality tend to learn about machines, have very reasonable plans and ideas, and they can stay calm and rational for a long time. However, spontaneity is always within them - it simply temporarily stays behind, accumulates energy and waits for the right time to burst out. That outbreak often surprised everyone around them, especially those who had never seen ISTPs do anything similar before. People with ISTP personality are very good at controlling energy and keeping it to do other important things.
The famous ISTPs
Zachary Taylor - 12th President of the United States;
Tom Cruise - American actor and film producer;
Clint Eastwood - American actor, filmmaker, musician, and politician;
Frank Zappa - American multi-instrumentalist musician, composer, and bandleader.