Top 3 jobs suitable for IQ of 127 people

IQ has a great impact on human life. There are many studies that show that IQ is directly proportional to success in life. So, with a lot of gray matter jobs, IQ is an important factor in deciding whether you fit in with the job. For those with an IQ of 127, they can do 3 highly demanding jobs as Judge, Software Engineer,and Psychological Consultant.

The meaning of 127 IQ

According to the IQ scale table below:

  • IQ Test of less than 85, low (16%);
  • IQ Test 85-115, normal (68%);
  • IQ Test of 115-130, intelligent type (14%);
  • The IQ Test is from 130 to 145, very smart (2%);
  • IQ Test from 145 onward, genius or near genius (0.1%).

The meaning of IQ of 127

If you have an 127 IQ, you are smart and ranked in the top 14% of the population. For people with IQ 127, they are not restricted to any profession because they are well aware. They can do a lot of work with high requirements such as Director, Human Resource Management, Accounting .... But the three trades listed below have distinct characteristics that not everyone is capable of.

<<< Read more >>> 5 main components of emotional intelligence test

1. Judge

A judge is a person who exercises the primary jurisdiction at a trial, either as sole chair or as a member of a panel of judges.Judges working in courts may act on behalf of the State to adjudicate cases and decide on appropriate handling of violations of law. When a judge has made a decision, the people involved must do it seriously, otherwise, there will be a state enforcement agency.

Judges and people's jurors are jointly referred to as "the court" (for example, when a judge asks a litigant in a case, the respondent may respond with the opening sentence: ). When referred to as the third person in the sentence, the judge is simply called "(Judge)".

127 iq

The judge hears the witnesses and the parties involved in the case presenting the evidence, assesses the degree of authenticity of the parties, and then makes a ruling on the matter presented based on the interpretation of the law. laws and subjective assessment.

In some jurisdictions, judges' powers are shared with juries or jurors, while others are gradually reduced to sharing these powers. In the interrogative criminal procedure, the judge involved in the investigation will not be the judge hearing the case.

Specifically, the job of the judicial profession includes:

  • Lead the hearing, listen and read the rationale between the opposing parties: the judge presides over the hearing and the hearing involves most aspects of the society from the individual traffic violation to the right. The benefit of large corporations;

  • Study the problem according to the law;

  • Read and evaluate information from documents and reports;

  • Determine whether the information provided supports the allegations, complaints or disputes: the judge listens, considers the arguments as well as determines whether the evidence is sufficient or justified;

  • Decide on the process to be followed by law and rule: During criminal hearings, the judge has the power to decide to keep a suspect in custody and at the same time to approve the arrest;

  • Apply the law or enforce the law to give judgment and settle disputes between parties;

  • Write opinions, decisions and guidelines on cases, complaints, and disputes;

Therefore, this work requires high judgment and analysis so only those who achieve IQ of 127 are appropriate.

2. Software engineer

Software engineers, whose work is considered to be the most creative and hard-working, are also the "important factor" of big tech firms in the world to claim their name. So, it's easy to understand that this is one of the top priorities in Silicon Valley.

iq 127

Software engineers can do more about the software development process, such as:

  • Participate in defining software products, analyzing requirements as well as customer expectations for the product;

  • Detail, develop and select prototypes, simulations to redefine requirements;

  • Streamlining and analyzing profitability, selecting architectures and frameworks for the application, adjusting budgets, and planning the project;

  • Design;

  • Outsourcing (installation, configuration, programming/ fabrication, integration, data migration);

  • Write documents for users and partners;

  • Testing: identity, support, and collect feedback from testers prior to release;

  • Involved in the release and distribution of software products, including the promotion of technology (feature or product demonstration) and competitive analysis for the following product versions;

  • Maintenance.

Software engineers other than programming skills like a programmer need skills in operating, researching, developing, designing software and software systems. No one denies that programming is a job that does not need to be cultivated. This is a highly technical work that requires a continuous learning process. So, with those who reach the IQ of 127, it will be easier to get things done better.
If you do not know what your IQ is, then click here!

3. Psychological counseling

This job is really for those who are intelligent and extremely sensitive. In addition to the high IQ, psychological counselors also have a higher EQ than normal people. The work does not make you tired, much work but after a study by investigative reporter Fres Landis shows: after moving to California, he found in Beverly Hills or La Jolla, about 100 people there is only one psychologist.

This is due to the specificity of the profession as well as the social thought.

iq of 127

The mission of the psychologist is to listen to the client, master the conversation during counseling meetings. Psychological counselors must use specific communication skills to "exploit" emotions, experience the mindset and perspective of the client. From there, they gather information to help customers understand their situation. From there, the counselor must show sympathy and understanding to the client and find the best solution to their problem.

So, if it only reaches below IQ of 127, you will have a lot of difficulties in this job! In a nutshell, these three tasks are unique. However, the only common point is that you must achieve IQ of 127 or higher to easily succeed in the job.

<<< Click here >>> Interesting about IQ 127

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