Everyone’s always talking about Emotional Intelligence but what exactly is it? One important aspect of EI is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions in oneself and others and to use that information appropriately.
For example, recognizing emotional intelligence in oneself can help you empathy and success in your relationships, both personal and professional.Given the importance of EI, I thought it might be helpful to give a very brief overview of the topic, as well as 10 ways to enhance your emotional intelligence.
In 1990, Yale psychologists John D.Mayer and peter Salovey originally coined the term emotional intelligence, which some researchers claim that is an inborn characteristic, while others suggest that you can improve it with proper guidance and practice. I agree with both scholls and obiviously with the latter or I wouldn’t be giving you tips as to what you can do to improve your EI.
It may not be possible for everyone to have a psychotherapist. But you can become your own therapist. It all starts with learning how to listen to your feelings. While it may not always be easy, developing the ability to tune in to your own emotions is the first and perhaps most important step.
Here are 4 ways to enhance your emotional intelligence
1. Don’t interrupt or change the subject
If feelings are uncomfortable, we may want to avoid them by interrupting or distracting ourselves. Sit down at least twice a day and ask, “How am I feeling?” It may take a little time for the feeling to arise. Allow yourself that small space of time, uninterrupted.
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2. Don’t judge or edit your feeling too quickly
Try not to dismiss your feelings before you have a chance to think them through. Healthy emotions often rise and fall in a wave, rising, peaking and fading naturally. Your aim should be not to cut off the wave before it peaks.

3. See if you can find connections
Between your feelings and other times you have felt the same way. When a difficult feeling arises, ask yourself “when have I felt this feeling before?” Doing this may help you to realize if your current emotional intelligence state is reflective of the current situation or not of another time your past.
4. Connect your feelings with your thoughts
When you feel something that strikes you as out of the ordinary, it is always useful to ask,” what do I think about that?”
Often times, one of our feelings will contradict others. That’s normal.

Listening to your feelings is like listening to all the witnesses in a court case. Only by admitting all the evidence will you be able to reach the best verdict.
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