A hard look at your emotional skills and weaknesses is the first step to improving EQ which is highly correlated with business success.

How important is high emotional intelligence to business success?

When L’oreal started hiring sales people based on emotional competency, the high Emotional Intelligence reps outsold the traditional chosen ones by over $90,000. Another company found emotionally skilled sales sold $54,000 more each. If your are more convinced by research, study after study after study has linked EQ and career success.

Which is all fine and good, but these finding are only useful to you personally if it’s possible for you actually improve your EQ.
Thankfully, it appears that it is. “Whereas IQ is very hard to change, EQ can increase with deliberate practice and training,” Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor of Business Psychology at University College London explained earlier this year on the HBR Blogs.

<<< Read more >>> Criticsm of high emotional intelligence measures of assessment

5 signs you have high emotional intelligence
“The important aspect of effective EQ – coaching is giving people accurate feedback. Most of us are generally unaware of how others see us,” he added.

Which means the EQ is important and it can be changed, but only if you are not clueless about your baseline, you need to exactly how well developed your emotional skills are and what areas are most in need of improvement. The Huffington Post can help with a recent post offering an in-depth run down of 14 signs you have high Emotional Intelligence. These include:


1. You are curious about people you don’t know

Do you love meeting new people and naturally tent to ask lots of question after you have been introduced to someone? If so you have a certain degree of empathy, one of the main components of emotional intelligence.

2. You know your strengths and weaknesses

A big part of having self-awareness is being honest with yourself about who you are, knowing where you excel and where you struggle and accepting these things about yourself. An emotionally intelligent person learns to identify their areas of strength and weakness and analyze how to work most effectively within this framework.
You know your strengths and weaknesses

3. You know how to pay attention

Do you get distracted by every tweet, text and passing thought?
If so, it could be keeping you from functioning on your most emotionally intelligent level.


4. When you are upset, you know exactly why

We all experience a number of emotional fluctuations throughout the day and often we don’t even understand what ‘s causing a wave of anger or sadness. But an important aspect of self-awareness is the ability to recognize where your emotions are coming from and to know why you feel upset.
When you are upset, you know exactly why

5. You have always been self-motivated

Were you always ambitious and har-working as a kid, even when you were not rewarded for it? If you are motivated self-starter and you can focus your attention and energy towards the pursuit of your goals, you likely have a high Emotional Intelligence.

You have always been self-motivated

 <<< Click here >>> 15 signs you have high emotional intelligence (PART 3)

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