Everybody makes mistakes, that’s a given, but not everyone learns from them. Some people make the same mistakes over and over again, fail to make any real progress and can’t figure out why.
“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them” – Bruce Lee
When we make mistakes, it can be hard to admit them because doing so feels like attack on our self-worth. This tendency poses a huge problem because new research proves something that common sense has told us for a very long time, that fully acknowledging and embracing errors is the only way to avoid repeating them.
People have high intelligence quotient are by no means immune to making mistakes, they simply have the tools in place to learn from their errors. In other words, they recognize the roots of their mix-ups quickly and never make them same mistake twice.
“When you repeat a mistake, it is not a mistake anymore: it is a decision” – Paulo Coelho.
Some mistake are so tempting that we all make them at one point or another. People have high Intelligence quotient they learn from these mistakes and never make them twice.

1. Believing in someone or something that’s too good to be true
Some people are so charismatic and so confident that it can be tempting to follow anything they say. They speak endlessly of how successful their businesses are, how well liked they are, who they know and how many opportunities they can offer you. While it is of course, true that some people really are successful and really want to help you, high intelligence quotient of people only need to be tricked one before they start to think twice about a deal that sounds too good to be true.
The results of nativity and a lack of due diligence can be catastrophic. Smart people ask serious questions before getting involved because they realize that no one, themselves included are as good as they look.
<<< Read more >>> 10 reliable and free online IQ test
2. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Despite his popularity and cutting insight, there are a lot of people who seem determined that two plus two will eventually equal five. People have high intelligence quotient, on the other hand need only experience this frustration once. The fact is simple: If you keep the same approach, you will keep getting the same results, no matter how much you hope for the opposite.
Smart people know that if they want a different result, they need to change their approach even when it is painful to do so.
3. Failing to delay gratification
We live in a world where books instantly appear on our e-readers, news travels far and wide and just about anything can show up at our doorsteps in as little as a day.
People have high intelligence quotient know that gratification does not come quickly and hard work comes long before the reward. They also know how to use this as motivation through every step of the arduous process that amounts to success because they have felt the pain and disappointment that come with selling themselves short.
<<< Next >>> 7 mistakes people have high intelligence quotient never make twice (PART 2)
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