How to get your child to 151 IQ
According to statistics, only 0.1% of the population is 145 IQ or more. Therefore, 151 IQ is the dream number of many people. People who score are usually geniuses who are very successful in their field. However, IQ is not an immutable index, it can change over time, the environment and the accumulation of human knowledge. So, from early on, apply the following to your child to achieve the highest IQ.
Reading books
This proven method is sometimes overlooked, arguably not the latest IQ development technology, but reading really is a simple way that definitely improves learning and cognitive development. children of all ages. This is a simple but effective way to strengthen and promote the intelligence of children.
In this way, you can enhance your child's cognitive and imagination, thereby stimulating the child's brain to become more flexible and intelligent. Read your child's books as early as possible, register your child's library card, and have plenty of books in your home to help increase your child's IQ. It is not uncommon for your child to gain 151 IQ if he/she listens regularly to reading or reading.
Listening to the drum player is not always a pleasant experience, but music lessons are always fun to train the right brain. Music lessons can have a positive impact on IQ and the ability to learn the culture of young children - learning as many years as possible, the greater the effect.
Research shows that small music lessons are a clear predictor of good grades in high school and higher IQ scores in adulthood. Therefore, if the child is living in music right from the baby, the ability to reach 151 IQ is very high.
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Play game of thinking
Playing chess, crossword puzzles, puzzles ... all stimulate the brain to work and practice to perform mental exercises. Popular games like Sudoku can help keep you happy while still promoting strategic thinking, problem-solving and complex decision making.
Always be prepared in your home for brain exercises like that and challenge your child or solving your problem. Certainly, the 151 IQ threshold is entirely within your child's ability to regularly play the game of thought.
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign report that physical fitness scores are strong and close to academic achievement in elementary school age. Participation in organized sports fosters self-reliance, teamwork, and leadership. The study also found that 81% of young business executives were involved in corporate sports.
So instead of lying down in front of the TV after dinner, consider going out for a few strolls or running lightly. And if possible, encourage your child to participate in a physical or sporting activity at school. So I not only be active but also have the opportunity to exchange and make more friends. As a result, your child will quickly gain 151 IQ.
Play video games! Surprise!
Electronic games have many bad reputations: violent, personal, useless. But many things can really help children develop their strategic thinking, planning, and other things that can promote creativity and teamwork.
A recent study conducted at the University of Rochester found that subjects who play video games recognize and learn the visual cues much faster than those who do not. Prior to this research, teachers in the UK even used some video games in their classrooms. Make your child play electronically to achieve 151 IQ.
Teach your child confidence
Especially in adolescence, children often fall into the state of negative thinking, limiting their ability. So child psychologists encourage parents to actively reinforce their child's confidence with optimism, assurance, and encouragement. Having children involved in team sports and other social activities can also help build confidence in the offspring.
In this way, children not only become confident but also help to achieve 151 IQ becomes simpler.
Nurture curiosity
Experts say that parenting curiosity and encouraging children to explore new ideas is teaching them a valuable lesson: finding knowledge is important. Support your child's interests and concerns by asking them questions, teaching them new skills, leading them out on the go and open their eyes.
Help your child raise curiosity to gain access to new knowledge and help improve the 151 IQ by simply asking interesting questions.
Grow kids by mom milk
Breast milk is the most basic "brain food". Studies show that the benefits of breastfeeding are increasing, not just preventing dangerous infections and providing the necessary nutrients. Danish researchers find that babies who are breastfed are healthier and smarter, The study found that babies who were breastfed for nine months grew up smarter than just babies Breastfeeding for about a month or less.
So: Breastfeeding means that you are making initial investments in your baby's health and that this investment is valuable and profitable in the long run. If you want your child to achieve 151 IQ, breastfeed.
Give up fast food
Cut down on sugar, saturated fats and fast foods from your baby's diet, replacing them with more nutritious options that can bring miracles to both muscular and mental development. Small children - especially in the first two years of life.
For example, children need iron for healthy growth of brain cells because nerve impulses travel more slowly if they are deficient in iron. Undernourished children are also often difficult to fight off infections, leaving them often absent from school and lagging behind friends. Take care of the food you eat, and your IQ score can improve and quickly reach 151 IQ.
Breakfast like the champion
Research from the 1970s has suggested that breakfast helps improve memory, concentration, and learning. A child who does not eat breakfast will be more likely to get tired, irritable and react less quickly as children begin their day with a full breakfast.
With a busy schedule like this today, sitting down to a decent meal is not always feasible, but a cereal bar and a glass of milk can make a big difference. Maintain the focus for hours and better learn lessons. Remember that if you want your child to gain 151 IQ, give them a full breakfast.
In summary, to achieve 151 IQ is not easy, but if the application of the above methods will succeed. You just have to spend a little time, a little patience for your child that can raise them into a genius.
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