IQ 128 and its meaning

The IQ 115 - 130 group accounts for about 14% of the world's population, classified as "Superior Intelligent." If your score is IQ 128, you belong to this group.

IQ 128 and its meaning

Human intelligence is a very difficult question to solve for scientists. There are so many aspects and manifestations of intelligence. For babies, the ability to recognize colors, sounds or directions is considered a form of intelligence. For adults, the ability to connect with people or control emotions is also a form of intelligence. Currently, there is no test that can fully evaluate human intelligence.

IQ test is just a method to test the ability of reasoning, analysis and problem solving. Therefore, IQ score does not represent your entire competency, but it also partly predicts the likelihood of future success. So what does IQ 128 mean? What should you do if you achieve IQ 128? Scroll down this article to find out.

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iq 128
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I. What you should know about IQ 128

The IQ 115 - 130 group accounts for about 14% of the world's population, classified as "Superior Intelligent." If your score is IQ 128, you belong to this group.

Your ability to process information is higher than the average but is not as fast as a genius. You can get good grades at school and easily pass exams but are not much likely to win in talent competitions. You can lead a good and easy life but you are not the most outstanding individual. Therefore, you may have an intention of putting pressure on yourself as you're always stressed about why you can't be smarter.

128 iq

Individuals of IQ 128 group often develop in 2 trends. Firstly, you are satisfied with your abilities and focus on personal passion and clear direction for the future. Secondly, you may feel jealous of the smarter people, who are with IQ above 130, and always try to become better so hard that sometimes you can have negative attitudes. You can exhaust yourself by putting too much pressure on your own.

One advantage of IQ 128 groups compared to higher IQ groups is the ability to establish relationships. Because their communication range includes people who are about 20 IQ points away, from 108 to 148, from the Average group to the Very Superior Intelligent group, they have more options to make friends.

They can share their daily hobbies with the Average group and delve into their researches with the Very Superior group. The more relationships they form, the more interesting opportunities they can get. At the same time, their lives are way more colorful when they share and listen to stories from different individuals and groups of people.

II. Ways to improve your IQ score

The IQ score is actually not fixed, over time this score can be varied by 20. If you do not regularly cultivate cognitive skills, your score will decrease and vice versa, this number will increase if you invest in nurturing and developing it every day.

  • Getting enough sleep: Your brain needs to rest for cells to regenerate. Get enough sleep to keep your mind conscious and faster. When you are sleepy, the cells are extremely tired and unable to concentrate and process information at your best speed;

  • Eating and exercising properly: Improving health is also a way to help the whole body, including your brain, perform better. When you have enough energy, any difficult question or complex problem can be effectively solved. In contrast, a tired body can only think of resting and not being able to handle anything else;

  • Going out more: Meeting and talking to others is a new form of brain information. If you don't take in new knowledge, your brain will slow down and become less efficient;

  • Training your brain: You should spend time playing brain training games such as Sudoku, chess, crosswords, etc. When being challenged regularly, your brain is stimulated to think more and faster everyday;

  • Setting a specific goal: Write down the number of IQ you desire to achieve and make a specific plan to raise your score. Break down the time and things you need to do to see progress you are making. Step by step, you will feel progressed every day and be more motivated.

    iq of 128

III. How to succeed in life with IQ 128

IQ 128 is a great launcher for you to develop yourself and your career. You were born with a smarter mind than people and that is your chance to go further and faster than others. However, this is not the only factor that determines your success.

As mentioned above, a good relationship helps you with plenty of opportunities in your career. Therefore, you should invest in cultivating emotional intelligence to win people's hearts. Take time for your relationships to make sure your friends and those who love you always have good feelings for you.

In addition, determination is also an important factor. On your journey to success, there are many difficulties and obstacles you may encounter. Don't give up, find a solution or find a solver. Your efforts will be rewarded eventually.

And finally, find your own passion. You must identify your interests or strengths to grow and nurture every day. Only in this way can you shine and become an irreplaceable individual in your company or community.

IQ 128 is a true blessing so you should plan to not waste this gift from God.

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