IQ of 129 - Criminals with higher intelligence
IQ of 129 is a high figure, it shows that you are intelligent and the world only 14% of people just like you. That means you can easily catch up and solve all kinds of problems. You do not have to limit yourself to any job, just concentrate and try to succeed. So, the following criminals, who have a higher IQ than 129, have used their superiority to succeed in the criminal field and become criminals extremely dangerous to society
1. Ed Kemper - Cold Blooded Murderer - IQ 136 Ted Bundy's IQ
Ed Kemper's IQ score is 136, higher than IQ of 129, Ed Kemper Emil III is very intelligent. Edmund Kemper Emil III was born on December 8, 1948, in Burbank, California. At age 15, Edmund was rushed to a psychiatric hospital after shooting his grandparents and living there until he was 21. Edmund is often referred to as cold-blooded murder because he often kills the victim. One of them was his mother.
While in custody in a mental hospital, with his intelligence and dick, Kemper learned all the answers to 28 different assessment devices. Thanks to that, he easily passed all the tests. And that was enough to make Kemper a "safe man" in society and released from the camp after six years of living here.
At the age of 13, Kemper killed his pet cat with a knife and stuffed it in the closet. Clarnell discovers this and seems to be mad at his son.ed kemper iq
Kemper thought he was fit to live here, but it was here that he started killing people. Kemper is aware that he is a dangerous killer when he can not control himself. Kepmer is available to answer questions and twice denied the right to request a lawyer. Later, at trial, Kemper said that he had a lawyer but was not accepted.
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2. Andrew Cunanan - IQ 147

Despite his homosexuality, Andrew is proud of it and does not care what people say about him. Nothing seems to bother Andrew Cunanan. But, beneath the seemingly strong and powerful exterior, it was an explosion of emotion that led to Andrew Cunanan murdering a total of five people in three months, including two mistresses and a designer. fashion world Giannai Versace. Because of Andrew's normal appearance, the police did not expect the possibility of his crime to be timely detected and prevented.
As a result, five people were killed by Andrew's gun. Criminal laboratories cannot find Andrew's fingerprints. He has never been arrested. Andrew's sins seem to counteract the norms of society after experiencing a long, miserable childhood.
3. Carroll Cole - IQ 152

Carroll's trial began on April 6, 1981, with the presiding judge of the trial, John Mead. Carroll tells a story about teenage adultery, which violates cruelty and cruelty. It was this in his mind that formed a sickly obsession about women, seeing all of them as betrayers of their husbands or lovers.
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