IQ 141 and its meaning
the group for IQ 140 and above is characterized by extraordinary critical thinking, which is perfectly suitable for extensive scientific work. A PhD degree is within your hand if you have IQ of 141. Scientific breakthroughs or important discoveries are expected to be these individuals' work. IQ 141 open doors and bring you opportunities in academic fields.
Meanwhile, many researches and studies have divided intelligence into various types including: logical, mathematical, musical, physical, visual, interpersonal and intrapersonal. But these types of intelligence vary differently among individuals and are not necessarily used in most fields in life. Therefore IQ tests for general intelligence are the most common and are widely used to evaluate aptitudes and potential of a person.
Only standardized IQ tests from authorized organizations can give you the most reliable results. And any specific score needs to be interpreted in depth to give you an understanding of your abilities. In case you get IQ 141, what can be said about you? Let's figure it out!
I. Meaning of IQ 141

An IQ score given after the test is compared with others taken by the norm group. Your IQ score is then up-to-date and reliable when used to evaluate your capacities among the population. Some tests do not give you a specific number but a range instead. Your score may vary in the range and can change throughout your lifetime. There is nothing called “normal IQ range", they classify intelligence as “Average", “Borderline" or “Gifted".
If you score 141 in a standardized IQ test, you fall into the group of 0.4% of the population “Highly Gifted". Normal people can hardly reach this score, only genius can. This is also your ticket for Mensa, a community for highly intelligent people only.
The group for IQ 140 and above is characterized by extraordinary critical thinking, which is perfectly suitable for extensive scientific work. A PhD degree is within your hand if you have IQ of 141. Scientific breakthroughs or important discoveries are expected to be these individuals' work. IQ 141 open doors and bring you opportunities in academic fields.
However, some people with high IQ score can simply have no passion or motivation in life. There are cases highly intelligent people stay unemployed because they are too lazy and look down on other people. This score is not a guarantee for future success if it is not combined with effort and dedication. A high IQ score is preferred but is not the most important trait to practice and possess to pursue success.
Your net worth when having IQ 141 can be higher when compared with your social peers because you are capable of performing intellectual tasks. However, as your communication range is more limited than the others, you have less possibility to open new doors or seize opportunities from your network. Therefore, your net worth is higher but you are not likely to be as rich as people with lower IQ score.
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II. Adolf Hitler - Nazi Leader with IQ of 141

His father wanted him to follow his path in customs bureau and ignore Hitler's desire to become an artist. Hitler was sent to the Realschule in Liz, a technical school, for high school education. Even though he was born in Austria, he developed patriotism for Germany, greeted friends “Heli" and even sang “Deutschlandlied”.
In 1904, Hitler’s performance at school improved when he enrolled at the Realschule in Steyr and finished a year later. He had no plan or passion for anything, therefore he decided to serve in the army.
He proved his political talent since a very young age as he was appointed to become the leader of the NSDAP in 1921 when he was 32. He went to jail in 1923 after a fail attempt to seize power in Munich. He was released a year later when he was widely supported with his attacking Treaty of Versailles while promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-semitism and anti-communism. His popularity also came along with a charismatic oratory and his own Nazi propaganda. He frequently boycotted global capitalism and communism and accused them of being a part of a Jewish plot.
On January 1933, Hitler was appointed as a chancellor for the German Reichstag after President Paul von Hindenburg was convinced by the other conservative leaders. In 1933, the Weimar Republic was transformed into Nazi Germany under the dictatorship of Hitler. He planned to erase Jews out of Germany and establish New Order after World War I. With his IQ of 141, he gained heavy popular support as his leadership had helped recover German economy from the Great Depression. All the restrictions on Germany post World War I were removed and regions inhabited by ethnic German were merged together.

Hitler ordered invasion of other country to find living space for all the German people in Europe, and first target was Poland. Hitler directed a nationwide re-ammunition to prepare for the invasion. His aggressive policy had been the main cause World War II when Britain and France declared war on Germany in 1939. It took only 2 years for the German forces and Axis armies to take over most of Europe and North Africa. But all of these gains were dismantled after German army was defeated by the Allied armies in 1945. Hitler and his wife committed suicide in 1945 to avoid being captured by the Soviet Red Army.
It can't be denied that Hitler had a great mind to lead and recover the German economy, besides annexing territories of the German. However he did not put his IQ of 141 in good use, which created huge loss for mankind. A high score of IQ can predict a remarkable future ahead, or else, be able to commit brutal crime. Therefore, IQ score only cannot secure success, it has to be paired with strong will, great effort and good intention.
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