This article will show you EQ or IQ help you succeed in your life.
IQ refers to intelligent quotient, which is a score from a standard test to assess the intelligent of human. In modern society, success of a person does not depend on only IQ, but also EQ. EQ is emotional intelligence, which is more and more important today. It can be said that people who have high IQs study well in school, but it is unwise to say IQ is the only factor that affect to success.
In the workplace, both IQ and EQ must be balanced in each situation. When working with clients, we have to have good knowledge to provide recommendation and reach them emotionally. The clients therefore can be appreciate and realize that we understand their needs and meet their requirements. Then they will return and become our regular customers.
<<< Reed more >>> Free emotional intelligence test online

So the question is: How do companies convert a new customer into a return customer? The answer definitely is by connecting with the customers using our emotional level. It is the key factor that help you succeed in your life.
This is the reason why today organizations pay attention more to EQ. For example, interviews often give interviewee some scenarios and see how they react and tackle them.

In social life, there are many problems arise due to the lack of communication or poor interpersonal skills. If people cannot understand the others, the relationship can be broken. So, it is important to have high EQ along with good IQ.
There is no denying that IQ and EQ should go along together if you want to be succeed in life. A high IQ can help you have high scores in school without win your colleagues and clients’ trust. Therefore, if you want to impress people and succeed in your career, you need to build more relationships and practice interpersonal skills.
Right now you can enhance your interpersonal skills by reaching out people around you and convince them with your logical ideas and arguments. You will be a master of communication if people listen and respect you. Doing that, you will find it easier to succeed in career and have a good life.
<<< Click here >>> 4 best ways to enhance your emotional intelligence
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